Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Buy a Home?

You're a Homeowner, what now...

Homeownership provides a sense of stability and security. Instead of wondering when the landlord might decide to sell the home, you are in control of that decision. Additionally, homeownership provides immeasurable values of belonging to a social community. Also, as a homeowner, you'll have a greater influence on community affairs. Renters, being usually more transient, have less influence on policymakers.

What it comes down to is how long you plan on staying in a particular home and area and what you can afford. Owning your home weds you to a property which some people feel limits them. However, many others see a home as their life and the legacy they'll leave behind... a place where they raise children, enjoy company, experience life's ups and downs, and eventually pass on their home to loved ones.

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