Monday, November 20, 2006

Your Vancouver/SW Washington Neighborhood Search

Welcome...let us know what is special about your Vancouver Neighborhood and why you love living in the Pacific NW...

Arnada Neighborhood Association Erected the information Station. It's a community bulletin board and the inaugural project for a Portland-style "intersection repair" can post neighborhood news and exchange goods...

Bluebird Ridge (source: Columbian Neighbors, wed, ll/22/2006)

A hillside that burned spectacularly two months ago is about to undergo a more lasting, manmade makeover. Developer Mike Heston, working on behalf of property owner Phil Elrod, would like to build 20to 24 homes perched on stilts lining l.65 acres atop the bluff northeast of Pearson Field.

Houses in the proposed development, Bluebird Ridge, would be accessible from East Sixth Street


The Cloud Guide to Vancouver, Washington Real Estate " The Couve" said...

When searching for homes in the Vancouver/SWWashington Area..please visit our website

The Cloud Guide to Vancouver, Washington Real Estate " The Couve" said...

Locally Vancouver is referred to as "the Couve", kind of a local thing, it may or maynot be endearing...what is your opinion?

Jane said...
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Jane said...
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