Friday, March 30, 2012

Carbon Monoxide Rules in the State of Washington

In the State of Washington we are having a major change in our Law as it relates to the sale of residential and commercial property.  We are as of the lst of April required to have installed in all homes Carbon Monoxide Detectors...attached is a copy of the Video from the Washington Association of Realtors..

Keeping you informed as you Buy or Sell Homes in the State of Washington.

FHA Guidelines are changing a bit..

Attached is a brochure that explains just how the new FHA guidelines could affect your Monthly Payment on the  purchase of a new home after April 9, 2012.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me and I will work on getting you to the right person for  an updated answer.

Have a great day in the Pacific Northwest!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

April Newletter

Can you believe that we are already heading into April, 2012...I am looking forward to the April Showers that are promising Spring Flowers..It has been a very wet Winter in the Pacific Northwest and we are all looking forward to a few dry days to play in the dirt.  We love our yards and the opportunity to get out and dig around, plant a few flowers and mow a little grass.

Please enjoy my April Newsletter...and have a great day!!